"Bruise Brinckmyster"

Cast for Spook Ally Fall 2005 BYU-Idaho


"Bruise Brinckmyster" is my online personality. She is not unlike me in any way, shape, or form. I am Bruise Brinckmyster when I'm online, but will also respond to that name in real life.


    Some fun facts:
  1. she is A GIRL!!!
  2. likes many different things
  3. is a "shipper"
  4. likes to keep things CLEAN!!!
  5. has a wish list
  6. has several sites she is on (convieniently linked here)
  7. is loving this convienent place to list her sites!
  8. I'm sure I've missed some, so if you find some, let me know by sending me an e-mail: Brinckmyster@gmail.com subject: "Bruise missed my link" or it will be ignored!!!


Brinckmyster March 27, 2013 11:39AM